6 Ways to Increase Instagram Engagement in 2019
Are you still wondering how you can increase engagement on Instagram effectively?
Well my friend, let me tell you are not the only one. With tons of brands and agencies trying to attract people’s attention, high profile “Internet Marketer” making strategies with a fully experienced team, it’s become difficult for a normal person to optimize his brands or images up to that mark. People do buy Instagram comment to increase their post popularity but right now we do not talk about it.
But don’t need to be sad. I am going to discuss a few tricks which help you attract tons of traffic to your post without using fancy plugins.
But don’t need to be sad. I am going to discuss a few tricks which help you attract tons of traffic to your post without using fancy plugins.
Tips #1 – Give more Importance to Instagram Stories Stickers
In 2019, It’s time to reframe your thinking about Instagram. It’s no longer about the Instagram comment, likes, and views.
The organic search of Instagram has declined and people are following Instagram stories more. Over 400 million searches are for Instagram stories.
Nowadays people are following brand hashtags, IGTV views etc.
Because of this, even Instagram is finding different ways for a brand to connect with the followers.
In 2019, It’s time to reframe your thinking about Instagram. It’s no longer about the Instagram comment, likes, and views.
The organic search of Instagram has declined and people are following Instagram stories more. Over 400 million searches are for Instagram stories.
Nowadays people are following brand hashtags, IGTV views etc.
Because of this, even Instagram is finding different ways for a brand to connect with the followers.
Instagram stories sticker is a great way to engage with followers. They can comment, likes or share their experience with you. It becomes a very healthy engagement for your brands.
There are many kinds of stickers for example, Questions stickers, poll stickers, etc.
Tips #2- Schedule your Instagram post to get more exposure
Do you really know if you post on wrong time actually limiting your post views? No matter how good your post is or how good your hashtags, posting on wrong will time kill it.
If you don’t have a fancy paid tool then you can check it by tapping the bar chart icon in the top right corner of your profile page. For this, you need to have an Instagram Business account. Anyone with the Instagram Business account has access to check the insights.
Tips #2- Schedule your Instagram post to get more exposure
Do you really know if you post on wrong time actually limiting your post views? No matter how good your post is or how good your hashtags, posting on wrong will time kill it.
If you don’t have a fancy paid tool then you can check it by tapping the bar chart icon in the top right corner of your profile page. For this, you need to have an Instagram Business account. Anyone with the Instagram Business account has access to check the insights.
In the insights, you can easily check your audience demography and their time to visit. This will help you to target your audience and you can post according to it.
Tips #3- Open up more about your business and brand
If you post just about your product pictures then it is not going to work anymore. People want to know more about your business, For example, how many people work in your business, who is the real think tank behind the idea, and many more personal things.
Instagram allow to show all these sides of your business and interact more on a personal basis with your followers.
Many business owners inform their followers about every new product launch, every new addition to their business, their staffs birthday date, and celebration.
You will see in 2019 many more business owners use Instagram stories to show their company insights and new features, hosting Q/A sections to interact more deeply.
Tips #4- Use Hashtags very wisely
You have heard a lot about uses of Hashtags but do you really know how impactful it is. If you analyze it better you can figure out which group of hashtags pull the maximum audience to your site.
If your post strictly for rap music then uses hashtags that are meant for rap music or music industry, not corporate business hashtags because these hashtags might work for your previous post but it is not meant for every post.
You can even categorize them and when you used them in the post you can easily tell that which hashtags pull the maximum engagement to your post.
The stronger and accurate your hashtags, the more engagement your post will receive.
Tips #5- Give some fun elements to your audience
People generally use Instagram to relax their mind or to see fun elements. Instagram stories for your brand and business take time and planning. It doesn’t mean you cannot have some fun. We have seen many big brands post fun pictures and videos of their staffs and other people. It’s good to see that people are having fun on your channel and relaxing their mind.
Tips #6- Do not ignore your DMs
After getting lots of engagement mostly people start ignoring DMs. They start ignoring comments. On this point, followers start losing interest and they start doing unfollow your account.
Instagram core purpose is in community building and that shouldn’t change. No matter how big your account, you should never abandon your followers. Always reply to their comment and take interest in their problem and massages.
These simple acts make them feel special and it will help you to build a healthy active community.
We all know Instagram is an extremely competitive place to work but it is also trust that you can conquer it with a few simple tricks without purchasing fancy paid tools.
So next time when you upload any new post try to incorporate these tips and see how much engagement you get!
What if you are still not able to increase engagement:-
Not everyone gets the same result from these tips but you don’t need to be loose hope. “LikesUps.com” use the same method as above mentioned with their highly professional team and provides the same result. You can choose any service related to Instagram or other social media platforms. For example, if you choose “Buy Instagram comments service or Buy Instagram likes service we will deliver real “comments and likes” to our clients.
You must be thinking is it safe to buy comments? Will my account got banned?
You don’t need to worry at all. We (LikesUps.com) works under the guidelines of Instagram and other social media networks. We are fully aware of what to do and what not to do. We care about our clients more than anything else.
It is completely safe and your account won’t get banned. We also use the same method with our professional team. We use cutting edge technology to give you the best quality service. Our lightning fast delivery makes it more exciting.
And you don’t need to worry about the payment process. We have the simplest method to order any service and in case your order not delivered (which is a nearly impossible thing) we will refund your full amount.
So don’t just upload, promote in such a manner so that you will get maximum result and your brands get maximum exposure.
For more Tips to increase Instagram comment you can watch this video.
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